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    Reaching the audience of non-Steamers

    Check how independent distribution helps educational software providers reach their audience

    Immersive VR Education

    Immersive VR Education is an Ireland-based VR/AR software firm dedicated to changing how educational content and corporate training are provided and consumed.

    The team is almost 40 people strong and their client base consists of educational institutions and large corporations. Their leading product is ENGAGE, a platform that allows educators, students and corporate teams to share their own content and collaborate in a virtual setting.

    Immersive VR Education Logo

    When your clients are not gamers

    In the beginning, the ENGAGE app was distributed through Steam only, but since the application is a co-operative platform updates are required.

    Besides that, people who buy and use VR educational software are not games per se. Schools don’t want kids to have access to Steam, and neither do big companies.

    The studio needed a tool that will distribute their app like Steam does, but with mandatory updates and without the access to hundreds of thousands of other apps and games.

    “We needed a solution as reliable as the major online stores for our Windows customers to download directly and to ensure they get updates on time. PatchKit was exactly what we were looking for, and we have had no complaints since.”

    -Michael Armstrong, Senior Platform Architect

    Delivering educational content to schools and corporations

    In 2017, they’ve chosen PatchKit as a standalone launcher, and we’ve been providing distribution services for their apps ever since. Throughout this time, we managed to:

    • Transfer 4000 GiB of Data to users
    • Release 96 builds

    Immersive Education VR Launcher

    We’re proud to be a part of the ENGAGE mission to educate people through new technologies and to change the way educational content is delivered worldwide.

    The studio is planning to reach new global audiences in the upcoming years, and we will surely support them in the process!


    “Thanks to PatchKit our clients don’t have to download, and we don’t have to upload full builds when new versions are available. The installer works exactly like we want it to, and clients are happy with it.”

    -Jonathan McDonald, CTO

    Try before you buy!

    Sign up for a 30-day free trial* and see how our service can benefit you. You can cancel at any time, so you have nothing to lose!

    *No credit card required.